
Technology Trends - EPIC Systems, Inc. - Machine Vision System featured in Vision System Design Magazine

An EPIC Systems, Inc., multi-camera vision system inspects bottles at speeds of > 900ppm. The Bottle Cap tamper-band, height, tilt, and printed datecode are inspected for quality defects...
Read more here: http://digital.vision-systems.com/visionsystems/201511/?pg=7&pm=2&u1=friend
The article mentions the use of a morphology filter for detecting the location of the printed date code, which could be presented to the camera at any angle. Here is an image that shows the result of the morphology. By "smearing" the date code, it can easily be detected as a single blob or particle in the image, and a tight bounding box can then be placed over just the date code in the raw image as the Region of Interest (ROI) for inspection.

For this example, Erosion and Close filters work quite well, including contrast enhancement to distinguish the printed date code from the dark background of the cap.

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